
Saturday, October 31, 2015

BOOMco. Colossal Blitz Review (9/10)

Just when you thought the Rhino-Fire was overkill enough.
Happy Halloween everyone! So, we all remember the Rhino-Fire right, that big, stupid impractical machine gun that was about as usable on the battlefield as strapping two tank cannons to an elephant? Well ladies and gentlemen, it shocks even myself to say this but the Rhino-Fire just got one upped in terms or ridiculousness. Today I went out of my way and bought what is probably the scariest dart blaster of all time the Colossal Blitz, and it sure as hell means business.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

BOOMco. Halo UNSC M6 Magnum Review (6/10)

Actually more of a DMR than a pistol. At least the "real" one is.
Everybody remembers the Magnum, it's that one pistol that was known for being vastly overpowered for it's size and then had periods of being absolute garbage to slightly good, but none were as deadly as the original. As part of a licensing deal with Halo, Mattel is putting out all kinds of Halo themed BOOMco. gear, including the Magnum. But the question is, how good is it?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

BOOMco. Halo Covenant Needler Review (8/10)

Nothing survives the pink mist.
New guns! About damn time you might say. Mattel has been going absolutely nuts with their BOOMco. line lately and thanks to a sweet licencing deal with Halo, we can have dart firing versions of everything from the Plasma Pistol to the SMG. Then of course the line wouldn't be complete without what is probably Halo's most infamous weapon, the Needler. No, it's rounds won't follow your target and make them violently explode when a dozen needles get stuck in their arse but it makes for a cool blaster, not a bad performing one at that.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Windows 10: Trial By Fire

Please like me. I'm better, I swear.
Windows 10 is here, and it's free, at least for now. It supposedly the best Windows yet and it essentially aims to bring what we enjoyed about Windows 7 and that massive hack job known as Windows 8 together into one package. So I decided to give Microsoft's new baby a chance and downloaded it onto my PC. Here's what I think so far of Windows 10.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Tactical Tag Is Closing It's Doors

Not long after Nerf Mods & Reviews shuttered, one of my other go to Nerf blogs, Tactical Tag is closing up shop and I totally understand Zook for doing so. He say's that his main reason for closing wasn't because he was growing out of the hobby, but because the blog is slowly becoming less prevalent in the nerfing world in the light of YouTube, Reddit, and other social media outlets are becoming the forefront for shooting foam. He just don't see much of a point in trying to keep something alive with a shrinking viewership and I'm sure personal time is a part of it too. Running a blog is fairly time consuming and sometimes people just have to move on. Props to you Zook for running a kick ass blog for quite some time now and I bid you good luck on your future adventures.