
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Bug A Salt 2.0 Review

Feeling salty?
Got a fly problem? Is the fly swatter too 20th century too you or is the fly zapper too industrial? Then get a load of this masterpiece. This is the Bug A Salt; it's essentially exactly what it looks like, a salt shotgun and it's by far the most ridiculous way of killing household pests I've ever seen, but does it work? Let's find out.

Size compared to a Rotofury.
I can't classify this thing as a dart gun review as it's more of a "tool" so the review scale is going to be omitted from this but I'll throw in some foam slinging bits to keep to you nerfers satisfied. As far as it's feel goes, it's pretty solid actually. It feels a lot like the Lanard Shotgun in terms of form factor and the build quality is just as good as Nerf grade I think. This is the 2.0 version so it apparently has better grip than the old one. I've never used the old Bug A Salt so I have no idea.
Screw this thing.
My biggest gripe has got to be the safety. It's not like a regular safety in which you hit a switch to unlock the trigger. This is exactly that, but... you have to do it every, single, damn, time you fire the gun. Okay I get it, it fires salt. Provided you're not a jackass and shoot someone with open wounds with it, I highly doubt it's going to be that lethal to anything bigger than your average insect, except snails. If you're a snail and a guy with a Bug A Salt is coming at you, I would go full turbo. Seriously.
Salt chamber open.
So how does this all work? It works exactly like a Nerf gun, plunger system and all but replace the dart barrel with a salt dispensing chamber. Hit the safety and pull the trigger at your target, be it an insect or your sibling's eye. It's effective kill range is about three feet which is far enough away for a fly not to get freaked out by you looming over them. That's what makes this so effective is the ability to kill the little bastards at range, that's not even achievable with the fastest of reflexes and a fly swatter. Oh and it does definitely kill them, but you do have to hit them.
CPVC fits perfectly onto the stock barrel.
So it's a great fly killer, but how about for firing darts? With my rigged barrel, it fires decently well, probably 35 to 40 feet. The problem is that the gun is full of gears and the plunger isn't impressively big, so spring upgrades are a no go, making this gun pretty unworthy of any serious dart slinging, but as for it's intended purposes it's pretty awesome. It makes a tedious task into a fun little indoor duck hunt and it actually does it's job pretty effectively. It's pretty pricey though but if you really want to, it's a lot of fun. 

The Verdict
Class- Salt Shotgun
Range- Three feet? Seems legit.
Size- Similar to a Roughcut 2x4 or Lanard Shotgun.
Reliability- No issues to report.
Ammo- A lot of table salt.
Modding- Little to no potential.
Value- At $50, it's pretty expensive. I guess it depends on how much you value fun... out of the death of lesser beings of course.

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