
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Nerf Gear Spotted at Walmart

Lightning Bow: This thing is basically the Thunderbow's more half assed little brother. It's exactly as it looks; a trigger-less Bigshock put in a silly suit to make it look and work like a bow. Yeah, two things we don't need more of, Jolts and Bows, and this is both of them. I'll take an easy pass on this one.

Dual-Strike: Talk about Smart-AR galore, this thing has tri-barrels for both Mega darts and Elite darts with a select fire which is pretty cool. Mod potential wise I don't thin kthis has much going for it though as the AR system just pretty much kills anything in that department. It might have a big plunger tube though so I might pick this up down the line.

Recon MKII: This one won't tear your face off this time, promise, but do we really need another Retaliator? Isn't the Retaliator technically the real Recon MKII? Apparently the MKII also has issues with certain mags fitting and to be honest, it's a bit ugly. Again, I might get one for fun but this feels like a semi-dull expansion at the cash grab that already is Modulus.

Super Soaker Tornado Scream: Now this is what we've all been waiting for, air pressure Soakers are back baby! Yeah it still looks like it's made of milk jug plastic but the fact it's got a pump and a trigger is already enough to sell me on it. On a side note it's a pressurized reservoir, not CPS and it packs the spinning barrels from the old Tornado Strike. I hope they continue this air pressure trend and judging by the box art there's a good chance they might.

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