Bringing the rain like it's the year 2000. |
There was a time many years ago where people didn't use springs or flywheels to hurl foam at each other. Well nobody really did in general actually, they were all too busy with their Super Soakers. But of the few who had the pleasure of enjoying dart blasters in the late 90's to early 2000's most of them were powered by air pressure. Blasters then had a massive variety of how they operated using air pressure; it could be used for highly powerful single shots, rapid semi-autos, and of course insane full auto fire. The days of wearing your arm out pumping these things and springing leaks eventually fell out of fashion in favor of plunger and electric power, however a few still carry the air power torch today. This is Buzz Bee's latest entry into that field: the Destiny, the fastest firing stock blaster in history and it's fun, lots of fun.