
Friday, January 31, 2014

Nerf Blastfire DX-500 Review (5)

When you want the person in front of you to vanish.
If you guys don't yet know already, I SWEAR by air blasters and why Nerf hasn't revisited the concept for nearly the past decade is beyond me because, they're excellent. So what did I do in the midst of Nerf cranking out flywheel after flywheel and plunger after plunger? I bought a timeless classic, the Blastfire DX-500, Nerf's most famous semi auto system.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Nerf N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12: Why?

Here we go again...
Honestly, I'm starting to get the feeling Nerf is running out of ideas, for a brand that's been around for a couple decades now,Nerf has it's share of innovative products but now it's gotten to the point where they seem to be just tossing stuff on the shelves and hope they sell. The Cam ECS-12(Working title) is basically a 12 round assault rifle with a camera built into it. Ok, stop. First of all, gun mounted camera footage generally sucks if you don't like aiming forwards all the time, not to mention the camera itself is an absolute piece of crap and likes to record the constant whirring of the flywheels. What? You guessed it, flywheels, again. And supposedly this tops out at around 90 feet. Long story short, I think Nerf is just installing Stryfes with buffed up motors in pretty much all their new assault rifle like blasters, tossing some gimmicky accessory or function on it, and honestly, we've seen this trend before. Remember not too long ago how many blasters essentially had Recon internals stuffed in them? Yeah that got old quick and I don't think many people will bother paying the price tag of $75 bucks for this thing either when they should just buy a Rapidstrike, a Stryfe, or probably even a Demolisher for less and be just fine. So if you want a blaster that looks remotely like something from Mass Effect, go ahead, otherwise there's no reason to buy this.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

jerm781's Super Soaker Flash Flood

A piece of Nerf history!
Wow, to say the least I'm pretty stunned I actually have this in my collection now. I remember seeing this blaster first posted in 2009 on Nerf Mods & Reviews and I thought it was pretty neat that Jerm took a water gun and converted it into this dart shooting beast. So when I stumbled across it on eBay 5 years later, I snatched it up in honor of Nerf Mods & Reviews recent closing. More information after the jump.

Monday, January 20, 2014

"Hyperion" Battle Rifle Finished!

It been months since I've gotten around to this but I finally finished my Longshot. This was my first major Lonshot mod and although it still has some inconsistencies that need to be ironed out, it fires pretty well and looks pretty badass. I'm going to add some more paint detail on it at a later time but right now, I'm pretty satisfied with the results of my labor.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Modded Nerf SuperMAXX 5000

This is the result of modding my SuperMAXX 5000. I relocated the tank and added a brass breech to the blaster. I did not plug the pump so I could prolong the life of my air tank but either way this blaster is extremely powerful and you don't want t get shot by it. Not bad for my first work with brass.

Nerf Zombiestrike Sidestrike Review (5)

Walk three paces, then draw!
Saw this at Target today so I decided to pick one up to see if it was any good. Lets just say I think I may have found a great alternative to the Firestrike. Take a look at the Sidestrike after the jump.

Nerf Zombiestrike Ricochet Review (2/10)

When you develop a blaster in under a week...
This is Vortex's equivalent of the Jolt, yet if you read the number scale rating, it's not a very good equivalent either. I'm going to keep this review short and to the point because there isn't really much to talk about this blaster. Enter the Ricochet.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nerf Cyclotron Review (3.5)

Crank it up.
The Cyclotron is probably one of the most unreviewed blasters I've ever come across. When I first saw it few years back I fell in love with it's totally outlandish and impractical looks but never decided to get one because hey, it's a ball gun for crying out loud. Luckily one turned up with the lot I purchased and despite some of the negativity I've heard about this blaster, I was a little impressed. See why in this review.

Nerf Zombiestrike Slingfire Revealed

Old west, all day, every day.
There's that Winchester rifle we've been looking for! This blaster shares the name with the old Slingfire DX400 which is giving me the idea Nerf is reusing old blaster names, but anyways this is the first lever action rifle Nerf is putting out. It's clip fed and it appears to have a lever large enough for spin cocking it, although the spring would probably hold that trick back. I'm totally picking this one up when I see it because it looks just that badass. Now all we need is a proper bolt action sniper rifle and we're in business.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Nerf Atomizer Slingshot Review (1/10)

I can say I have never reviewed a bad blaster, ever. Well that streak is broken with the Atomizer Slingshot! This has had to be the most stupid blaster I've ever touched. It hits ranges of barely 5 feet with no accuracy and what really shocks me is that Nerf has made slingshot based blasters since the 1990s and it wasn't until 2003 when they finally realized the concept was absolute shit and decided not to make them anymore. Probably the best thing this is good for is to sell it to some stoner for an insane price and let them figure out what to do with it, it looks like a bong or something. Sigh... this was fun... not.

Nerf Ballzooka Review (4)

It's raining balls!
The revered Ballzooka, famous for raining foam death on Nerfer's since 1994. I managed to snatch this 20 year old ball blaster up in nearly pristine condition. Lets see how this 90's veteran holds up to modern standards today. Once, again, ball jokes not intended.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Nerf Mods & Reviews Shuts Down

2009 - 2014
This is some really disconcerting news for people who are really big into Nerf. Nerf Mods & Reviews, which was probably one of the biggest and most popular Nerf Blogs of all time, finally closed up shop today. This blog was what inspired me to take to Nerf in the first place and begin blogging so it's a real big shame to see it go after all these years. It really almost seems like a trend nowadays that most of the former big name blogs are closing up(SGNerf, Urban Taggers, SBNC, to name a few.) and it really brings an era to a close but you can't really blame them. With all the work that has been done, it really doesn't surprise me much that somebody will just get burnt out and move on with their lives. The site is still going to be active and you can still look at all that's been done over the years, but it's usually pretty quiet userwise nowadays. Nerf Mods & Reviews had quite the run, now it's over.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Nerf Zombiestrike Fusefire Review (6/10)

Light them up.
I found this Fusefire alongside the Crossfire bow and picked it up as it's not even officially released in the states yet(Canada has it officially). This glowing Vortex pistol is similar to both a Vigilon and a Proton combined and with cool looks to boot. Only problem is, the goods are even with the bads, and this fight is dirty.

Nerf Zombiestrike Crossfire Bow Review (4)

Explosive bolts not included.
I managed to snatch two of Nerf's hypothetical successors to the original Crossbow today along with a Fusefire. Considering these are seeing a very limited release right now, I picked them up on sight. Can this crossbow live up to the success and fame of it's predecessor? Lets find out.

Nerf SuperMAXX 5000 Autopsy

This isn't even my final form!
So my SM5k arrived today and I couldn't be more excited now that I have this highly coveted rifle in my possession. I pumped it up and pulled the trigger and it unleashed a nice loud pop. Unfortunately I don't have any of the stock barrels to do a full review so I rigged up a CPVC barrel nested inside of a bored out 1/2 inch PVC pipe that fits perfectly over the tank's nozzle and it works just fine. One pump is enough to send a dart around 45 feet which is very impressive and it's no shocker that this blaster can send darts over 100 feet easily. See more info after the jump.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Nerf Ball Blaster Lot Inbound

What have I done?!?!?
Oh dear... no, really. What the hell was I smoking when I decided it was a good idea to buy a lot of SEVEN ball blasters? Maybe it was the $26 dollar price tag, I don't know, I don't care, I'm just glad I got a good ol' Ballzooka to add to my collection. Along with that I got the slightly less common Cyclotron which is this weird crank operated, tube fed ball blaster. Not to mention the three Reactors and the Buzzsaw but who would ever forget the Atomizer? From was I heard, this slingshot was so bad that most people were reluctant to shell out $5 bucks for it at it's time of release and to be honest, I can't wait to review it and laugh at how pathetic it is. This is going to be a fun start for 2014.