
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nerf Doublestrike Review (6/10)

Small size, big punch.
I've had my eye on this little guy for a while now but I've never paid much attention to it because of a few complaints about it. I recently decided to go ahead and give it shot, and to say the least I'm impressed, but it does have a few problems.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Nerf Rhino-Fire Review (8/10)

A whole new generation of overkill.
Remember that time when you and your friends were just having a neighborhood nerf war as usual, you all had simple pistols and nothing very elaborate but it was still a good time? Then that one day came when some snob rich kid down the block decides to show up to the party. He's brandishing some giant belt fed monster that he got for Christmas. This is when the fun ends, and he proceeds to mow down every last one of you laughing maniacally whilst he does so. This sort of overkill weapon had gradually evolved into this, the Rhino-Fire, probably the most outrageous Nerf blaster ever built.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Nerf Mono Blast Review (3.5)

Looks like a Star Wars prop, enough said.
Back before compact blasters were, well actually compact, you had stuff like this. The Mono Blast was made to fill the role of a small but fairly powerful blaster that was also fairly inexpensive. The problem was though, while it achieved what it was set out to do, it also failed in several other ways.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Nerf Zombiestrike Clear Shot Review (4.5)

Haven't you guys bought me before?
Nothing screams lack of creativity more than a repaint of a blaster, especially when it does not live up to the new range standards of today's blasters. I found this Clear Shot at Target for $15 bucks and it was the last one so I naturally snatched it up. Ok, yeah it's a bit disappointing that this blaster does not hit the "Elite" ranges the rest of the blasters out there nowadays do but for what it is, it's actually quite solid.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Stay Tuned...

Well folks Christmas is right around the corner and this also means the annual mass influx of new reviews now that I actually got some free time on my hands. Some of you may have seen a few of the recent videos I uploaded, one of them was a Defender T3 Pistol with a BBB plunger in it. Unfortunately I didn't use enough coat hangers to reinforce the plunger rod on it so the bastard snapped, for like the fourth time since I've started this build. I should get that monster working again soon but in the meantime I'm just going to focus on reviews. First of all I'm going to get a Clear Shot review up despite that I've had that blaster for a little over a week now. Following up with that is the nifty but according to some, problematic Doublestrike pistol and then the monsterous but highly expensive Rhino-Fire. Yeah, I was lucky enough to even find the thing on sale but even then I'm just praying that the $70 bucks I blew on this bloody anti aircraft gun was worth it. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nerf Strongarm XD: Really?

The Strongarm is by far one of my favorite blasters of all time and I was pretty stoked when I heard an upgraded model was being released. Obviously the 75 foot range claims on the original blaster were exaggerated and it hit around the 55 to 60 foot mark most of the time so I could assume the 90 foot claims were exaggerated too. I did notice the XD dry fired much loader than the the old version so I figure they tossed in a new spring or something it but that's far from the point. The point is this, when you buy a blaster that has 90 foot ranges on the box, you expect it to have more power than the old version right? Well in this case the difference in performance between both the XD and the old Strongarm were extremely marginal. I tested both with Elites and suctions and I barely noticed any difference in power. As far as I know other guys like pSyK who tested out the Firestrike XD have said similar stuff, they're hardly different. I'm probably just going to mod this thing and move on but don't be so opted to buy one unless you don't already own a Strongarm.