The Zeus MXV-1200. |
This was totally uncalled for. Nerf has decided to ahead and launch a new line geared towards teens and adults. These new ball guns seem to fire a new type of ball ammunition that seems smaller than Ballistic Balls. No word on what they're made of but hey're probably dense foam like the Ballistics used. These blasters are capable of firing these little bastards at around 70 MPH apparently, which is about 102 FPS so you'll feel them alright. The above blaster is the Zeus MXV-1200, a 12 round flywheel assault rifle from the looks of it and no word on its it's full auto or semi auto. There is another blaster called the Apollo XV-700 which is like a large pullback pistol with a magazine in the grip, that's a first. Nerf also has a patent for this ball firing gatling gun out there so it's probably going to wind up here, going with the way these blasters are named after Greek Gods, I'm just going to take a wild guess and assume the gatling gun is going to be called "Ares". I'm really curious to see what these have in store, especially performance wise. The best ball gun I've used is the old Ballzooka MP150 and it had fairly good accuracy and range but it wasn't anything heart stopping. Lets see if Nerf can perfect ball technology here.
The patented gatling gun. |