And that's about all I have to say really, happy 4th. Fire up the barbecue, watch some fireworks, or buy some fireworks of your own and "accidentally" set that newly planted bush in your neighbors lawn on fire. It's all in the name of freedom, right? If you're not from the US and you're reading this, have yourself a good day I suppose. Might as well make this into a quick news update while I'm at it. Some new Nerf blasters are hitting the shelves recently such as the Doominator and the highly overrated and overhyped Stryfe reshell also known as the Modulus. I'll be picking a few of these up as soon as I spot them. I also got a new phone finally, a Galaxy Note 4 in fact, but I may not end up reviewing it. I also ended up killing a Galaxy S5 in the process of reviewing that this week and I'll get something up on that mess in a bit. Anyways happy 4th. Don't go blowing yourself up tonight.