
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Razer DeathStalker Ultimate Review

A keyboard to end all keyboards.
Lets just say I got really lucky, because there's no way in hell I would pay full price for this thing. This is Razer's flagship keyboard, the DeathStalker Ultimate. It shares much with the regular DeathStalker keyboard but has about a billion new tricks up it's sleeve. So what exactly is the reason for the ridiculous price tag on this thing? Better yet, is it worth the ridiculous price tag? Well, lets find out.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Nerf Blasters For Fall 2016! (UPDATED AGAIN)

Why the hell do you gotta do this to me Hasbro? I mean it's not like my wallet is reeling from the last couple massive purchases I made or anything. Now you tease four new Nerf blasters and all of them look and sound more badass than anything we've ever seen before? I can't, I just can't, but I will, I totally will go out and buy all of these beasts, with a few exceptions. Anyways, here's a look at some of Nerf's Fall 2016 blaster lineup, or sooner as things usually go.

UPDATE 2/13/16: A lot more stuff just got leaked or unveiled recently. Some of it I don't have info on as of yet but they are just Jolt and Triad re-shells from the looks of it so not really a big deal. It looks like we're getting a whole new lineup too, Alien Menace.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Review

The tablet that can replace your laptop. No joke.
I hate laptops, like I really do hate them. As far as the ones I've used go which granted isn't many, they seem to be too huge and heavy, or too small and lacking in features, and sometimes unreliable hunks of crap. As a result I've always leaned towards tablets for portable computing but they are definitely less versatile than a full fledged PC in most aspects. Microsoft however decided to try and bridge the gap between laptop and tablet and after several so-so attempts, I think they finally got it right. Say hello to the Surface Pro 3.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fake Chinese Smartwatch Review

You just bought yourself a headache.
I love experiments. They educate the masses by either success or failure and in the end everyone wins, except you. Because you're sitting there holding a $30 hunk of crap, $30 short from buying the real deal that everyone else is now buying because you told them so, and it's all because you care for some reason. That's how I sort of felt until I sent it back the same day thanks to Amazon's return policy. So here I am, with a fake smartwatch from the land where copyright gets lost in translation and also the land that gave us orange chicken, begging you to not buy cheap electronics from unknown places because you'll probably end up with something like this.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Nerf Gear Spotted at Walmart

Lightning Bow: This thing is basically the Thunderbow's more half assed little brother. It's exactly as it looks; a trigger-less Bigshock put in a silly suit to make it look and work like a bow. Yeah, two things we don't need more of, Jolts and Bows, and this is both of them. I'll take an easy pass on this one.

Dual-Strike: Talk about Smart-AR galore, this thing has tri-barrels for both Mega darts and Elite darts with a select fire which is pretty cool. Mod potential wise I don't thin kthis has much going for it though as the AR system just pretty much kills anything in that department. It might have a big plunger tube though so I might pick this up down the line.

Recon MKII: This one won't tear your face off this time, promise, but do we really need another Retaliator? Isn't the Retaliator technically the real Recon MKII? Apparently the MKII also has issues with certain mags fitting and to be honest, it's a bit ugly. Again, I might get one for fun but this feels like a semi-dull expansion at the cash grab that already is Modulus.

Super Soaker Tornado Scream: Now this is what we've all been waiting for, air pressure Soakers are back baby! Yeah it still looks like it's made of milk jug plastic but the fact it's got a pump and a trigger is already enough to sell me on it. On a side note it's a pressurized reservoir, not CPS and it packs the spinning barrels from the old Tornado Strike. I hope they continue this air pressure trend and judging by the box art there's a good chance they might.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Bug A Salt 2.0 Review

Feeling salty?
Got a fly problem? Is the fly swatter too 20th century too you or is the fly zapper too industrial? Then get a load of this masterpiece. This is the Bug A Salt; it's essentially exactly what it looks like, a salt shotgun and it's by far the most ridiculous way of killing household pests I've ever seen, but does it work? Let's find out.

Thrustmaster T500 RS Review

An arcade machine for your house.
Sometimes a gamepad and sticks wont really suffice for immersing yourself in a racing game. So what you can do buy a racing wheel and not one of those cheapo Walmart wheels either. A high quality force feedback wheel is arguably the best way to give a racing game that close to life feel, or at least until virtual reality comes out. So lets take a look at an offering from Thrustmaster; the T500 RS wheel.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Old Posts are Getting Updated

Where it all began.
I'm going to be updating my old posts with new pictures from the DSLR and revise some of the text in them. This is mostly because Google screwed up and deleted some of my old photos and also because I'm not quite satisfied with what I said. Either way, it should be a nice little tweak and it should bring things up to date.

Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter Review

It's all fun and games until you find a hill.
Let's say you bought a racing wheel with pedals but it's got that clutch pedal that you never set foot on. Solution? Well you could try paddle shifting with a clutch but that's just silly. What you need is a good ol' fashioned gear shifter and Thrustmaster's TH8A is a definite candidate. So how does this piece of kit for rowing your own gears perform?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Nerf Thunderblast Review (4/10)

What's an airtank?
I absolutely loathe push pull blasters and I would have never bought this thing if it wasn't dirt cheap at the time but it's here now and it's Nerf's first rocket launcher since the oh so wonderful Titan got discontinued a few years ago. The Thunderblast doesn't even hold a candle to that beast. Let's see why.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Playseat Challenge Review

Lawn chair on roids.
Happy 2016 folks, hope everyone is enjoying the holidays so far. For a couple years now I've been running my old Logitech G27 racing wheel off an old Walmart end table that was rattling itself apart every time I used it. It finally went bust when I got my much heavier Thrustmaster T500 RS so I needed something to replace it. The problem is, racing rigs are expensive as hell and the budget inclined wheel stands don't really do much justice. Also I had limited space and needed something that wouldn't take up an ungodly amount of room. Luckily Playseat had the answer to all my problems, and it comes in the form of a piece of lawn furniture on steroids. Let's see if it works.