When you just need that extra punch... |
Monday, December 30, 2013
Nerf Mega Magnus Review (9/10)
Sunday, December 29, 2013
SuperMAXX 5000 Inbound
Punching through soda cans since 1998. |
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Nerf Revonix360 Review (4)
You spin me right round. |
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Gran Turismo 6 Standard Cars
This R390 is practically a total remodel. |
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Nerf Triple Strike Autopsy
Unfortunately I can't do a full stock review on this blaster because of a curious little problem I found internally. Well, ok, to put it this way this thing sucks at firing the new standard 9" arrows as this thing normally fires the 11" variant. And it only fires two tanks instead of three. Why?
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Forza Motorsport 5: Quality Over Quantity?
This KTM X-Bow is just stunning to look at. |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The Dominator: The Beginning of a vicious Triple Strike Mod
I remember first seeing the Nerf Triple Strike on Nerf Mods & Reviews and my first though was this ugly ass blaster with semi auto/shotgun capability with pretty large air tanks to go along with it. After the Hopper Clip became more popular I realized the devastating potential this blaster suddenly had. I realized you could mount 3 PETG Hoppers on this thing with six rounds each for a total of 18 shots each and you can fire three without pumping again. With the size of the tanks in mind, I estimate this thing can pull off 90+ or maybe 100+ feet on each barrel. As for some ergonomic changes since the blaster's original grip looks really uncomfortable, I'm mounting a Longshot front gun grip and a stock to make this then easier to use. Plus I'm reinforcing the flimsy pump with coat hangers and topping it off with some paint. I haven't even built this thing yet and it's already shaping up to being VERY badass, and it looks the part too.
Monday, November 11, 2013
More Nerf Mega Magnus Info
Hey we got some new info on the Magnus! How exciting... he lied... Awesomely Nerf got one and to say the least, it's underwhelming. It only shoots about 50 to 60 feet(Much like the Centurion) and that's only because of the darts this time. Why only? Because the Magnus is direct plunger but it fails to use it effectively and no, there aren't any holes from what I can see in the tube. Price in the US is $14.99 dollars and in the UK it should translate to about 9.37 quid but I could be off by a bit. I'd stick to a Firestrike.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Call of Duty Ghosts Review
There are those who wear masks... |
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Command & Conquer Generals 2 Cancelled
I saw this coming a long time ago. After EA bastardized C&C once more by making the latest installation of the Generals universe free to play, I was almost certain that this game was going to go down the gutter faster than it could dig itself back up. The sad thing is though, it didn't look like that bad of game either, I did'nt play the alpha test for myself but it actually looked pretty good. But not being there first hand probably means that I didn't see the countless flaws that the critics pointed out. So EA shuttered development after negative feedback and "promised" they will crank out a fresh C&C game soon. What a fucking shame.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Nerf Lock n' Load Review (5)
This is going to be legen.....dary! |
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Nerf MEGA Magnus Leaked
Well its about time we got a new MEGA blaster, oh wait, doe's anyone even care about MEGA now after the disaster the Centurion was? The Magnus is a new bulky ass pistol with a three round built in clip like a Speedload 6. Honestly it's probably just a Centurion shrunk down and more than likely, its still going to have a reverse plunger and jamming problems. If you want a pistol that shoots 100 feet or over, build yourself a Snap or a Super Nite Finder and start shitting on this thing, especially if it totally blows anyways.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Nerf Super Nite Finder
One pistol you don't want to get shot by. |
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Crosman Z357 Ztorm Review
I was at Academy just browsing around and I came across this. I hardly ever see airsoft revolvers, let alone any that are actually good in stores but I guess this is good time for the store since I saw some high quality guns on the shelves and for exactly $100 bucks, I picked this bad boy up because it looks badass and seemed to be high quality. Here's the review.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Tek Recon Havok Review (4)
Friday, August 30, 2013
Really Nintendo? Nintendo 2DS
I'm still out on the hunt for a affordable 3DS XL so I can get my hands on a flash card and enjoy some good ol' handheld gaming after I(Stupidly)sold my DSi. Ok so there's this... the 2DS is a budget version of the 3DS geared toward children, wait what? Isn't everything that the DS line basically is geared toward kids anyways? Hmm... pardon my logic but this thing drops the price down to $130 USD, drops the 3D, hence the price drop, and the fucking thing will not fold! Ok so it's a children geared 3DS but kids have more destructive power than a nuclear bomb and as for something that has it's screens exposed 24/7 and will not fit into pockets easily at all, the last thing you would expect is for the device to be able to survive that crap right? It's probably just more comfortable to hold, that's it.
New Internet and DirecTV
Yeah... shit. |
Sunday, August 25, 2013
StudioYale Forum Is Up
Well guys I finally did it this time. The StudioYale Forum is now up and running, so now you guys can talk Gaming, talk Nerf, and talk shit in Off Topic, whenever you want! It's still work in progress and I will be "hiring" moderators to help maintain things. In case your wondering, I don't intend for this to be like that ill minded place called NerfHaven, I plan on this to be very open to people but still, don't make an ass of yourself anywhere but Off Topic. As far as looks go, not quite there yet but it's a start. Enjoy.
StudioYale Fourms
StudioYale Fourms
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Clip System Plunger Tube Comparison
![]() |
This is rough since I did it all in Paint. |
So just by looking at the simple workings of the Centurions reverse plunger, you can see that by eliminating the dead space and moving the buffer almost down by the air restrictor, then crafting a direct plunger head and relocating the spring to the right position, plus plugging the air release slits and guess what? You essentially have yourself a giant Longshot plunger tube! Tinkering around with and simplifying the rest of the guts of the Centurion(You also may have to make a new catch since I think the Centurion's catch is quite odd)could eventually earn you a direct plunged sniper rifle that could fire Megas easily 100 feet consistently. I don't know if I explained this clear enough but I hope this helps out people with modding this beast and I'm probably going to have to try it myself when I get a Centurion.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Humble Origin Bundle
Check this out guys, for about 5 bucks you get seven games, just make sure you got a good PC and plenty of hard drive space.
- Dead Space
- Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
- Crysis 2: Maximum Edition
- Mirror's Edge
- Dead Space 3
- Medal of Honor
These two are only available if you pay over the average.
- Sims 3 +Starter Pack
- Battlefield 3
Friday, August 16, 2013
Secret Shot II Inbound!
Castiel Angel(aka Thailyer14; his blog) is sending me whats revered as one of the best pistols Nerf put out, the 1999 Secret Shot II and it's often considered the hand cannon since it can hurl Mega Darts great distances providing that you don't have a leak. The scope isn't actually a scope, press the button above the trigger and it swings down, sealing over the main barrel and you get a holdout shot when you need it. I'm going to rebarrel this thing with some PETG he's sending with it so results should be nice.
UPDATE: The Craigslist deal didn't go through so I wont be getting this pistol. One of these days...
UPDATE: The Craigslist deal didn't go through so I wont be getting this pistol. One of these days...
Monday, August 12, 2013
Nerf Blazin' Bow Review (5/10)
Bow knows. |
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Buzz Bee Air Max 10 Review (10/10)
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Over 5000 Views: Thank You
Never actually thought this blog would get that much views. But I just want to give a big thanks to you viewers out there.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Nerf Zombiestrike Hammershot Review (4.5)
You feelin' lucky punk? |
Nerf Zombiestrike Sledgefire Review (8/10)
Shellin' out punishment. |
MAJOR ZombieStrike Haul
A lucky find for me at Target. There were only two Hammershots left, bought those out, two packs of Z-bombz, bought those out too, and three Sledgefires, bought one and that rang up to around $80 bucks. They had the Machete and the Blazin Bow labeled as well. I would probably get the machete and probably not the bow because unless you still haven't recovered from your Hunger Games fantasies yet, I'd take a Big Bad Bow any day. I didn't notice if there was a Centurion marked on the shelves actually, and again I wouldn't have gotten that one either because lets face it, its a piece of shit anyways. Last thing I'm going to buy this Summer/Fall for Nerf is probably a Revonix360 and I just wait until I find the Centurion for $20 at Ross one day.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The Most Useless Gimmicks/Features on Smartphones
I get a good laugh at some of the crap companies put on smartphones to entice buyers, most of which don't work right or generally people find useless. If you do find any of these useful, you either have a really good reason why or you have a brain condition and you might want to get that checked out. Here's my list of non- useful or non-essential features on the market.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Nerf Rapidstrike CS-18 First Impressions & FAIL
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8 Review (4)
Prepare for trouble. Make it double. |
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Centurion Internals Leaked In Greater Detail
I just watched Containment Crew's two part video on the Centurion's internals and holy cow, that thing is way more complex than it needs to be. Nerf really didn't want us to turn the next generation of high powered sniper rifles into top flight dart slinging machines this time. First of all, there is a whole bloody gearbox and a bunch of rails that need to be removed just to get to the reverse plunger. Oh and the thing is solvent welded shut so good luck changing springs out or filling those damn air release slits without destroying the blaster. Even if you still manage to brass breech it and redesign the entire lower receiver, its more work than needed when you will probably get better results with a Longshot or Homemades with less hassle. I'm still getting one just for kicks but I see no modding potential at all.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Modified Pyragon
The Pyragon's system is very similar to the Vigilon and Praxis, all complex. |
This was for fun and I never competed it so that it actually operates. This was probably similar what a Pyragon looked like in prototyping.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Bankcroft.de gets a SledgeFire!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
New Projects, Some Still On Hold
Ok I'm beginning to lose patience with my Hyperion rifle I started several months ago. I have still yet to order my new brass parts and the forgetfulness has gotten to me and I'm just getting bored of seeing the blaster sitting there unfinished. As a result, I'm putting that on hold again for some time until I decide I want to finish it, in the mean time I'm looking for two things, a Rapid Fire Shotgun which I already got under control and an Air Zone Punisher. The RSFG is going toward my first Doomsayer of course and the Punisher is going toward a cosmetic experiment. I'm going to have trouble locating one of these again since I stupidly exchanged mine a few years back for a Unity Power System and I think the new Dart Zone model looks pretty stupid. If anybody has one, I'll be interested in buying it but only if it has all it's components.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Satellite Reign: If You Like Syndicate Fund This Kickstarter
In case you don't know, Syndicate is a franchise that has been around since the 90's, and that was something I didn't know until I played the original Syndicate and Syndicate Wars by Bullfrog on a DOS Emulator. I'm a big RTS fan and the Syndicate reboot felt empty and linear even though it was a visually great looking and sounding game, as result I enjoyed the games that came out 20 years earlier more. In the 20 or so years since Wars, the lead developer or the game Mike Diskett came out of the shadows and announced Satellite Reign(A pun on Wars's Satellite Rain weapon) as a spiritual successor to Syndicate Wars, spiritual being that EA owns all aspects of the original franchise so sorry folks, no Church of the New Epoch or EuroCorp in this one. Gameplay will be like Wars but everything will be more vivid and realistic. Agents are now class restricted so now you can't have a four man walking tank with Miniguns like you used to. This is a leap forward since it actually promotes strategy instead of steamrolling which most RTS games have blatantly allowed. I'm not going to spoil everything about this game but it looks very cool and promising with it's different take on RTS with a setting that hasn't been seen in 20 years. Fund this now and lets get the true Syndicate we've all been waiting for.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Afterglow Prismatic Wireless Headset Review
A while back I bought Afterglow's AGU-1S Headset, a very good headset especially for the price. but my only grievances were the highly over sensitive microphone and the non/self adjusting headband which would ride up on my ears after long gaming sessions. The Prismatic is just what it looks like, a redesigned AGU but with a few more tricks up it's sleeve.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Air Blasters: Are They Dead?
With Nerf directing it's attention mostly to flywheel power and spring powered blasters, the disappearance of air powered blasters, once the backbone of Nerf's lineup is becoming apparent. There's just a lot of factors that cause the transition from air to electric and spring and despite air having strong advantages over spring and electric in some areas. So why are air blasters just collecting dust on shelves now?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
NVidia SHIELD: The Handheld Nobody Asked For
This was one I forgot to toss in my Generation 8 Warfare Outlook post. SHIELD looks like an Xbox One had hard sex with a Gameboy Advance SP and the end product was this massive, Xbox controller like device with a flip up screen. SHIELD is Android based and apparently can run most high end PC games, Battlefield 3 and Hawken being some on that list. The problem with Android is that it tends to be quite temperamental compared to other mobile OS types, but its very open and it actually makes sense on a handheld compared to Ouya who tried the same thing but with your TV. I think that these releases will be dedicated to this so unlike high end handhelds, well there's only really one at the moment, the Razer Edge which can actually run any PC game with ease thanks to it running Windows 8(Which is only good on tablets anyways) It's a bit of a tricky decision, and playing these games on a handheld is really neat but it's also like telling your wallet to take a dive off a cliff. SHIELD is $300 USD while Edge is $1000-$1200 depending on if you get the Standard or the Pro. I don't think anybody is ready to shell out that kind of cash just to play console and PC titles on a handheld. Most people are fine off with their 3DS's and Vitas and those toolbags who still think Temple Run is a good game(Thats to you too Ouya!) I would give it more time before we begin pushing high end handhelds into the market, and I would leave it to Sony and Nintendo to figure that out for the moment. It's neat but nobody wants to pay that kind of money yet.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Super Soaker Lightningstorm Overview
I just picked this up at Marshalls for 16 bucks which is a pretty sweet deal since this thing is usually around 30. There really isn't much to talk about this thing since its just a Thunderstorm with a reverse paint job and an assload of attachments which are all pretty neat. The ammo capacity is nearly tripled with the round drum, and the shield will hook up on most blasters but I doubt it will do much in terms of protection from water or darts. But the stock is the main reason people buy this thing, its easily the best stock produced. For one its very sturdy and comfortable and it almost resembles an MP5 stock. If you want just the attachments or don't have the blaster itself, buy this if you can find it cheap.
Nerf Centurion Update, It's Kind Of A Joke
By joke, I mean its FUBAR. Ok I'm going to go all technical and just get straight to the point here, it's reverse plungered with all these slits cut into the tube(Power reduction?) And it uses this odd breech system where it almost looks like the bolts moves oppositely from the priming rod. I'm not sure if this is only for UK and Australia because it think they have some restrictions of some sorts in place and the US may be different, but it quite a letdown if that's the deal internationally. MyLastDart has a plethora of internal shots and a clip of the breech in action but I'm not going to link any just in case Hasbro has a shit fit over it. I'll still get one to see what its capable of but I'm a bit skeptical now.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Happy Le Mans 2013
The 24 Hours of Le Mans, one of the greatest racing events of the year. Anyways, from what I've watched its looking pretty heated, a strong rivalry between Audi's R18s and Toyota's TS030s and the hydrogen car; the Green GT LMP-H2 failed to show up. It sounds like a bunch of vaporware to me since the spent enough time promoting it but never showed up for any official events. But I want to give my condolences to the driver of the #95 Aston Martin Vantage GTE, Allan Simonson and his family, nobody deserves to lose their life in such a way. Enjoy the race folks.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The ShotBaton: A Failed Attempt
This is basically just a slightly altered GunDagger without the blade and a coupler system. It would have worked but for some reason, there seems to be a leak right below the trigger/pressure switch coming through the hole where you depress it into. I have no idea how this happened but this would have been a pretty fun blaster to toy around with. As of know it discharges very little air and I'm not sure if I can fix it.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video
Monday, June 10, 2013
Gran Turismo 6 is Coming!
I haven't posted a lot of blaster related stuff lately so sorry if your were looking for any updates on that, but with E3 and all this next-gen stuff going around, its tough not to notice. I grew up on Gran Turismo and it got me really into cars and racing, I was a bit disappointed with GT5 and stuck around with Forza 4 for awhile but this looks more promising considering it was probably in development under our noses for quite some time now. With Xbox One failing my expectations, I don't plan on getting Forza 5 unless Microsoft cuts the crap, which is a shame because it looks like a good game as well. Anyways, I'll be picking this up on release with a PS4. All I can really hope is that it comes out on time, the cars are all HD spec, and Porsche and all those cool concept cars from the last couple games show up. Oh and not to mention the Red Bull X1's, those were a blast.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Generation 8 Warfare Outlook
Oh its on. |
Friday, May 31, 2013
Kinect 2.0, more like GLaDOS
I thought the whole deal with the Xbox One's anti used game policy and its DRMish log on every 24 hours for verification thing was pretty bad. But its when its idle, and its got that damn Kinect nobody wants plugged into it. Microsoft says its mandatory, otherwise the console will not work. I know the 360 doesn't do anything unless it has a charger active, while its idle. The One however has the Kinect 2.0 always on, always watching. In particular you if you come in its line of sight. One apparently also features a Siri like AI that can be voice commanded to turn the system on or off and a whole plethora of other crap(Thats all we know for the moment, Microsoft says there's more to it). I only think of Skynet Terminators, Eagle Eye, and GLaDOS. When I hear that a machine is going to have its own AI and a fucking camera and microphone that can't be disabled that's scanning around my game room and then trains itself on me when I walk in, its not a very pleasing feeling knowing that. It also has the power to check my heartbeat and mood. And it apparently recognizes who you are and will sign you in and some other stuff...What?!
The rest I take with a grain of salt but its possible, some people said it would direct ads to the things its sees around you. I don't want to be sitting eating Lays and wearing Fruit of the Loom and the console starts blowing up my dashboard with ads for the same brands around me. It sounds like the One is adaptive, as is all the other AI's made up by us with fiction. The reality of it probably isn't too bad but with the things people have watch or played in the last decade and a half, gives you creeps thinking that the thing will start hacking into Cheyenne Mountain and start nuclear war overnight or something.
The worst part is that its legally patented so basically invading ones privacy is legal in some way. I'm not saying that Microsoft is watching you doing, well, things... But its just an unpleasant feeling knowing that you basically bugged your own house for the sake of entertainment. I'd just toss some electrical tape over the camera for the time being. Half of it is proven and half of it is still speculation(Wait until E3). Just by the amount of vents on the console, that's sure a fast way to dump neurotoxin into your house.
The rest I take with a grain of salt but its possible, some people said it would direct ads to the things its sees around you. I don't want to be sitting eating Lays and wearing Fruit of the Loom and the console starts blowing up my dashboard with ads for the same brands around me. It sounds like the One is adaptive, as is all the other AI's made up by us with fiction. The reality of it probably isn't too bad but with the things people have watch or played in the last decade and a half, gives you creeps thinking that the thing will start hacking into Cheyenne Mountain and start nuclear war overnight or something.
The worst part is that its legally patented so basically invading ones privacy is legal in some way. I'm not saying that Microsoft is watching you doing, well, things... But its just an unpleasant feeling knowing that you basically bugged your own house for the sake of entertainment. I'd just toss some electrical tape over the camera for the time being. Half of it is proven and half of it is still speculation(Wait until E3). Just by the amount of vents on the console, that's sure a fast way to dump neurotoxin into your house.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Super Soaker XP 310 Test Fire
I'm not going to review this old soaker actually, but its a lot of good fun and is much better than the triggerless shit(Arctic Shock was actually kind of fun)Nerf puts out under the great name nowadays.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Super Soaker XP 310 and 270
I just picked these vintage soakers up on eBay a few days ago, with a little conflict. The 310, I believe is the largest soaker in the XP lineup and the 270 being second most to that. Individually, soakers, and maybe even these can get ridiculous prices and that is absolutely not worth what they are. To put it this way, I got the duo for 99 cents. Yeah, you can see why he would get pissed off, but snooze you lose. After a short conflict, I turned down his cancellation and threatened to trash his feedback and have PayPal get on his ass if he refused to ship the items. He shipped them and all is well, unless he took a hammer to them to make sure I got my money's worth. I'll get reviews up for those when they come, and a potential mod for the 270 since its missing it tank cap(easily fixable). In the meantime, I need to find my old Max D 5000 I used many years ago in 2001.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Nerf Vortex Diatron Review (4.5)
I haven't bought a Vortex blaster in quite some time, my last one being the Pyragon. So I found this thing at Wal-Mart for $20 bucks and it was the last one on the shelf so I figured "What the hell." This is the Diatron, the newest Vortex blaster so far. And its a little strange and a little awesome.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Blaster Types that are Pretty Much Dead Now
I came to the realization that even though Nerf and the other brands out there have put out some pretty neat stuff recently, the golden age of innovation for these brands was long left behind after N-Strike took its foothold in 2003, leaving Larami(One of the most renowned manufacturers at the time)and OddZon down in a ditch while the long running tactical based blasters took the foot hold for the new generation's interests. People didn't want Ballzooka's, Mad Hornet's, or Crossbow's anymore, they wanted something that resembled their Barrett or M4A1 off Call of Duty instead. It's the things around us shape what we are, that's exactly what happened with Nerf. Here's some of the gear that the new generation missed out on.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Acer Predator G3 Upgraded
You can never get enough power. I got this Acer a year ago, and for my first actual gaming PC, it was a rocket ship until newer, more demanding games hit the shelves. I was able to run Bad Company 2 on medium with some minor lag, and BioShock Infinite on Low just barely. I was pushing my old NVidia GT630 to its limits, and it was not happy about it. So I did what all sensible people do and replace it.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Nerf Motorized Ballzooka MP150 Review (3.5)
Ball blasters, they're the last thing most modern Nerfers would purchase. Inacurrate, cumbersome, absolutely trash range, they're what we don't want dart blasters to even resemble, and as a result slowly tricked off the shelves as far as 2006. But I found this monster on eBay, two for 50 bucks and what the hell, they were vintage. Sold. This is the Ballzooka MP150, ball jokes are not intended... maybe.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
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