
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nerf Doublestrike Review (6/10)

Small size, big punch.
I've had my eye on this little guy for a while now but I've never paid much attention to it because of a few complaints about it. I recently decided to go ahead and give it shot, and to say the least I'm impressed, but it does have a few problems.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Nerf Rhino-Fire Review (8/10)

A whole new generation of overkill.
Remember that time when you and your friends were just having a neighborhood nerf war as usual, you all had simple pistols and nothing very elaborate but it was still a good time? Then that one day came when some snob rich kid down the block decides to show up to the party. He's brandishing some giant belt fed monster that he got for Christmas. This is when the fun ends, and he proceeds to mow down every last one of you laughing maniacally whilst he does so. This sort of overkill weapon had gradually evolved into this, the Rhino-Fire, probably the most outrageous Nerf blaster ever built.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Nerf Mono Blast Review (3.5)

Looks like a Star Wars prop, enough said.
Back before compact blasters were, well actually compact, you had stuff like this. The Mono Blast was made to fill the role of a small but fairly powerful blaster that was also fairly inexpensive. The problem was though, while it achieved what it was set out to do, it also failed in several other ways.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Nerf Zombiestrike Clear Shot Review (4.5)

Haven't you guys bought me before?
Nothing screams lack of creativity more than a repaint of a blaster, especially when it does not live up to the new range standards of today's blasters. I found this Clear Shot at Target for $15 bucks and it was the last one so I naturally snatched it up. Ok, yeah it's a bit disappointing that this blaster does not hit the "Elite" ranges the rest of the blasters out there nowadays do but for what it is, it's actually quite solid.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Stay Tuned...

Well folks Christmas is right around the corner and this also means the annual mass influx of new reviews now that I actually got some free time on my hands. Some of you may have seen a few of the recent videos I uploaded, one of them was a Defender T3 Pistol with a BBB plunger in it. Unfortunately I didn't use enough coat hangers to reinforce the plunger rod on it so the bastard snapped, for like the fourth time since I've started this build. I should get that monster working again soon but in the meantime I'm just going to focus on reviews. First of all I'm going to get a Clear Shot review up despite that I've had that blaster for a little over a week now. Following up with that is the nifty but according to some, problematic Doublestrike pistol and then the monsterous but highly expensive Rhino-Fire. Yeah, I was lucky enough to even find the thing on sale but even then I'm just praying that the $70 bucks I blew on this bloody anti aircraft gun was worth it. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nerf Strongarm XD: Really?

The Strongarm is by far one of my favorite blasters of all time and I was pretty stoked when I heard an upgraded model was being released. Obviously the 75 foot range claims on the original blaster were exaggerated and it hit around the 55 to 60 foot mark most of the time so I could assume the 90 foot claims were exaggerated too. I did notice the XD dry fired much loader than the the old version so I figure they tossed in a new spring or something it but that's far from the point. The point is this, when you buy a blaster that has 90 foot ranges on the box, you expect it to have more power than the old version right? Well in this case the difference in performance between both the XD and the old Strongarm were extremely marginal. I tested both with Elites and suctions and I barely noticed any difference in power. As far as I know other guys like pSyK who tested out the Firestrike XD have said similar stuff, they're hardly different. I'm probably just going to mod this thing and move on but don't be so opted to buy one unless you don't already own a Strongarm.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Sony PlayStation 4 Inbound

Greatness is coming.
Black Friday is here! And in an effort to avoid all the storewide chaos I took my shopping online this year. After my somewhat tainted experience with the Xbox One I'll finally be able to see what it's competitor, the PlayStation 4 has in store. This beast should be coming in the mail along with a copy of Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us Remastered by next week and I'll have a review up after I get well acquainted with the system. As a long time PlayStation user I'm expecting some nice things out of this one.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Nerf Defender T3 Review (3.5)

A pistol built for an 80's action hero.
This was one of those blaster's that I commonly overlooked as I heard they weren't very good to begin with. Nowadays considering I own nearly every good vintage there is to get I'm ending up getting the ones that aren't so good. And to start this trend off is the Defender T3. Ok this mashup of a arrow launcher and a pistol isn't exactly terrible but it has some faults that really quite hinder it from being any better. See why after the jump.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Nerf Defender T3 Inbound

It doesn't know what it wants to be.
About time we got something new coming in the mail and it's my first Nerf Cyber Stryke blaster and I think one of the more popular ones, a Defender T3. Yep, its that giant ass pistol/bow hybrid that can split in two. I'll have a review up on this thing when it arrives in the mail and I might consider modding it because I don't think they are exactly great stock and I'd probably find more use for it modded. I'm thinking about throwing a Big Bad Bow plunger into the bottom half and converting both barrels to micros. Both plungers should hit over 100" feet with the right setup and as for paint? I'm thinking of something crazy, like a candy apple red metal flake with black and teal detailing. This should be interesting so stay tuned.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

More 2015 Nerf Blaster Info

Upon a bit of digging around the internet, I came across a fairly large amount of higher detailed images of a few of the leaked blasters found earlier this year on Baidu along with a couple more jewels that we haven't seen yet. I will update this as more stuff gets found but heres what was dug up so far.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Review

Power changes everything.
If anyone recalls from last year I was quite disappointed with Ghosts considering Black Ops II had much more going for it despite being the older game. In the end Ghosts ended up being quite enjoyable with the addition of new weapons and maps but much of which was pretty goofy and I think it was just to salvage how dull the base game felt. So this year we have Advanced Warfare and it's developer Sledgehamer Games up to bat, and things are pretty different.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

ERTL MCS Mod Guide

This is basically going to document the whole mod process of this PAS whice I've dubbed the ERTL Modern Combat Shotgun or MCS. The mod essentially converts the uncomfortable, impractical blaster it was to a more comfortable and versatile weapon.

Friday, September 26, 2014

ERTL Pump Action Shotgun Review (2.5)

You have potential... potential not to suck.
Over the years I've seen many Pump Action Shotgun's and the vast potential they have to become long range killing machines. But I've never really had the chance to try one out for myself, stock or modded. So after several years since it being discontinued, I managed to finally get one of these increasingly rare blasters. Lets see how it does.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ERTL Pump Action Shotgun Inbound

Straight, unfiltered pump action devastation.
Wow, it's about time I got my hands on one these sweet little things. The PAS has become so rare nowadays that I have only found three on eBay(This being one of them) ever since it was discontinued. It honestly makes me wish I could go back that day in 2009, walking through Academy and there was a full stock of them on the shelf; I would have bought all of them if I knew how sought after they would become. Anyways, the stock gun as we all know is a mediocre ball shooter with an awkwardly shaped grip, so obviously this puppy is going to  be modded, into this.
ERTL MCS Concept

Friday, September 12, 2014

Nerf Demolisher 2-in-1 Review (4)

Noob tubes have officially reached Nerf.
When the Demolisher was first revealed it came quite out of left field. We were already well acquainted with the Rapidstrike and a semi auto assault rifle with a grenade launcher didn't seem too appealing to most nerfers. To be totally honest, I was definitely skeptical about this blaster, and even well into the early stages of it's release I still was. However, I eventually caved in and lets just say, I expected much worse. See why after the jump.

Monday, September 1, 2014

HUGE Amount of New 2015 Nerf blasters leaked

My god, it's full of blasters!
Well what do we have here? Courtesy of Urban Taggers Facebook page, we have a list of blasters with pictures of most of the 2015 lineup. The picture was taken with a toaster of a phone screen that already has a toaster for a camera but you can still make out the shape and some names of the new blasters. Hasbro is going to have a shit-fit over this one, here's the speculated list I made.

Update: High resolution image thanks to Baidu.
2015 Blasters (Left to Right, Row by Row)
  • Jolt- We already know what this little pea shooter does, nothing special here but a repaint presumably. I'm not expecting Elite XD ranges out of it.
  • Triad- Same business here, just a repaint from the looks of it.
  • Firestrike- New orange paint, I think this one has amped XD internals from what I've heard.
  • Slingstrike- Looks like a pull release slingshot style blaster. What ammo it fires is really vague but we can probably safely assume Elite darts. Probably an Elite rendition of the Diamondista.
  • Strongarm- New paint and XD internals, making an excellent blaster even better.
  • Sharpfire- This appears to be a Zombiestrike rifle of some sort judging by the paint but its listed under Elite so we'll go with that. It's design is very reminiscent of the Sledgefire. I can only assume it to be some sort of single shot break barrel rifle with a very slim form factor.
  • Flipfury- Guess where they got the inspiration from on this one? This one appears to be an Elite incarnation of the twin chamber Strongarm or Maverick mod. We can probably assume here its a reshelled Strongarm with twin chambers. More ammo is good.
  • Retaliator- We all probably have seen the white Retaliator by now, new paint, XD internals.
  • Rhino Fire- Not news to us either, big ass double barreled heavy machine gun, for $100. Ouch.
  • Stryfe- Seriously, we will never see the end of the Stryfe and all it's reshells.
  • Rapidstrike- Again nothing new, this one has an orange stripe which is odd because the white ones have XD internals. Great gun by any means though.
  • Demolisher- Again, not news, a glorified Stryfe with a grenade launcher and a banana clip that has less function than an actual banana. Go figure.
  • Crossbolt- This one is weird, it looks like a Crossfire Bow and a Rayven got to it one night. It appears to be bulpup and have useless bow arms, the new image seems to make it clear that this thing is probably slide primed like a Retaliator, might be neat.
  • Bigshock- A Jolt! No not a Jolt, a MEGA JOLT! Ok, yeah it's Jolt, that fires Mega darts, but still though, it's not like this one was going to happen eventually.
  • Cyclone- Take a Strongarm, inject it full of roids and you have the Cyclone, it's quite clearly a Mega dart revolver and it looks pretty awesome in my opinion.
  • Berzerker- This one is pretty sick, it's almost like cross between a Revonix360 and a Furyfire, but because it's red it most likely fires Mega darts. It looks to have a stock mount and hey, lets not forget here, it's gotta have slam fire and a huge ammo capacity to boot..
  • Modulus- What the... holy... what is this? It's like a Stampede but no, it's too far from that. This one appears to be some sort of light machine gun with every attachment on the planet on it, but you know, it's pretty badass, probably enough so to be Nerf's new flagship. Something inside me though is telling me this is most likely going to be flywheel and I swear if it's something else, like an electric direct plunger, I will eat my shoe.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Nerf Lock 'n Load and Mono Blast Inbound

Some deals are just too good not to miss.
I know I already own these two blasters already, but my current Lock 'n Load is incomplete and my Mono Blast is a falling apart piece of pure garbage. Luckily some guy on eBay took great pleasure in listing the complete Lock 'n Load in this lot as a Nerf "Hyper Sight"(Judging by the sticker) so it instantly received less attention than the other Lock 'n Loads on eBay that were listed correctly, and not even complete. So for the price of $32 bucks total I bid sniped my only opposition(2 other people) at the last 2 seconds and won it just like that. This will go down in history for me as the easiest attempt at purchasing a Lock 'n Load, ever. I'll probably update the old review with new pictures and info and the Mono Blast will get a review of it's own. I'm probably going to throw my old pistol on eBay eventually so keep an eye out for that.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Longshot CS-12 Spotted In Stores

"You want a new Longshot? FINE. HERE. NOW SHUTUP!" - Hasbro
Good news everyone! I would say it's about that time to get down to Target and see if can find yourself a brand spanking new Longshot! I won't be getting one since I already own two Longshots and also the fact that the internals are pretty much EXACTLY the same as the original. So any mod that currently works on the older Longshots shouldn't have an issue on the CS-12. For $34.99, I highly advise you pick one of these up and enjoy a great piece of Nerf history, provided you haven't already.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Xbox One Review

Work STILL in progress.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. I know this review is nearly a year late and the majority of you people already have made up your mind on which 8th Generation console to buy. But I figured after pretty much owning this console since launch and all the changes that have been made to it since then I can give fairly honest opinion on the console from several months of use as opposed to someone who screwed around with it for a day after launch and slapped a review up just to get something out there. So here it is folks, my verdict on the punching bag of this generation, Microsoft's Xbox One.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Nerf Zombiestrike Slingfire Review (7/10)

The difference between me and the Rapid Fire Rifle? I don't suck.
When the Slingfire was revealed I instantly knew I had to get one. Something about lever actions totally draws me to them. Maybe it's the fact you can do all those fancy tricks involving the lever? I don't know I just went ahead I got two the only way I could at the moment. Let's just say I am far from disappointed. See why after the jump.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Nerf Elite Rhino Fire: What is this...

D-Day all day, everyday.
So is this the long awaited Vulcan successor we've been speculating about all along? I mean holy crap this thing is outrageous looking. This is technically Nerf's anti aircraft gun, twin 25 round drums, fully automatic fire, and double barrels... moving double barrels like a Pulsator. So far it has 90 foot range claims but we don't know what firing system it uses, I'm going to assume flywheel since that seems to be the "big" thing nowadays with Nerf and plus the gray part on the front of the shell looks like it would house flywheels(*lies down, tries not to cry, cries a lot*) So it might just be two Rapidstrikes with more powerful motors attached to one another.Oh and the price? $100 US dollars... oh dear. It's not like two of my most recent purchases were over $100. Well, still more worth it than the Cam ECS-12.

Nerf MEGA Thunderbow Review (8/10)

Protect your knees.
Ah, nothing beats getting a product ahead of official release. It makes you feel so... rebellious. This monstrosity right here is Nerf's first MEGA Bow, the Thunderbow. It's a Nerf bow that actually works kind of like the real deal only it's not and pretty obvious it's not when you got 5 rounds of rapid fire death attached to the front of the the thing like someone finally decided having one shot was just pathetic. Lets dive into this blaster and see what the MEGA line has to offer again.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Nerf Thunderbow and Slingfires Inbound!

Two lever actions are better than one. Add a bow and you're in business.
You gotta love knowing your resources. I decided to snatch these up and they should be arriving within a few days. I bought two Slingfires for the obvious reason, to dual wield the bastards and go Terminator of course. I also decided to get a Thunderbow because, well I quite like it and I'm highly curious of it's potential. If Nerf claims 100 feet with Megas(Well of course that's probably angled ranges) imagine what kind of a plunger this thing has and what a good rebarrel would do to it. Reason why I didn't get a Demolisher? I actually don't really care for that glorified Stryfe that much, although I probably will end up getting one in the future so you can somewhat count on that one happening. In the mean time I'm pretty amped. You can expect reviews coming soon.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Mattel BOOMco. Rapid Madness Review (4.5)

Fast death to your foes.
So it all starts like this, I was at Target hoping to find some goodies, particularly the Slingfire on the shelves ahead of schedule. As I was expecting it wasn't there so I talked to an employee who said if he had it in the back he would get it for me but there weren't any shipments of the 2014 Nerf gear in yet so I was out of luck. That was when I came across this gem, the Rapid Madness tucked away on an endcap along with the rest of the BOOMco. lineup so I picked this up considering it was the only thing on the market close to a Magstrike or PowerClip in function and lets just say, it got it right.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Running Out of Water: 2014 Super Soakers

I couldn't agree more when I came across Bazookafied's rant over the new Super Soaker lineup and after taking a closer look at it now, what a mess. Honestly, ever since Larami was dissolved, Super Soaker was practically destined for a downhill ride, and the effects of it are clearly showing ever since the brand was integrated into Nerf. Somehow, Hasbro went from obtaining a brand who produced some of the most badass and high powered water guns on the face of the earth to turning that around into these electric and push pull soakers that work slightly better than your average higher end dollar store water gun. Seriously, Super Soaker's future is drying up rather quickly, and it shocks me how easily Hasbro could recover it from this dry spell the brand is facing.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New 2014 Nerf Blasters

It's been a while since I've posted anything Nerf related because... well, there hasn't really been anything to post about. I've gotten a little sidetracked on some reviews and I should get to them eventually before they become old news. So for the moment I decided to compile a list of Nerf blasters being released for the 2014 Nerf year. From what I've seen, we have a mix of new ideas like the Slingfire, a few not so inventive and somewhat outlandish blasters like the Cam ECS-12, and of course the repaints, we absolutely "LOVE" repaints. Let's dive into what Nerf has in store for us.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Microsoft Abandoning Kinect?

Let's hope so...
If you've been following Xbox One E3 conference, you probably noticed something. That Kinect was clearly not present during the presentation, just good old fashioned games. What the hell happened? Lets just say after several months, the gaming community seems to mostly don't want or even care about Microsoft's notorious camera peripheral and I think they're getting the message. First they removed the mandatory requirement for it to be plugged in at all times and now they starting to sell the console without the device at all which leads me to believe Microsoft is going to trash the Kinect entirely sooner or later. It honestly all makes sense, after the 360 and Microsoft's horrendous reveal of the Xbox One, their reputation took a severe kick in the face and a lot of it had to do with Kinect. The device has become associated with privacy invasion, shoddy voice commands, and price inflation and at this rate there really doesn't seem to be a way Microsoft can make the device better for users as it really is just a steaming pile of poo. But thinking of it in another way, what if Microsoft didn't shoot themselves in the foot at the start? We could have been looking at a neck and neck console war again but no, mistakes were made, people were pissed off, and now Microsoft is paying the price for it. I think Xbox is recovering from it's huge mistakes it's made over the past couple of months in the right way and they're working to make the One a better system. As for Kinect... well... there's a bunch of lonely E.T. cartridges in a New Mexico landfill that could use some company.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Crackdown Trailer Dissection

Skills for kills agent, skills for kills...
If you guys have been keeping up with all the E3 talk lately, you probably saw the new trailer for the third Crackdown on the Xbox One and to say the least, it looks over the top insane. I've been a fan of Crackdown for a while and after beating Crackdown 2 several times, I just wanted more and after several years of wondering what the hell happened to the franchise, looks like were back in business. David Jones, who created the first game but not the second is actually helping out on this installment so we should see quite a lot of what we loved from the original when it hits stores in 2015. I took the liberty of dissecting the trailer to see what we might expect, see more after the jump.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Return of The Nerf Longshot!

Mother of God...
Just when you thought Nerf couldn't be doing things more weird by relaunching the Nite Finder and the Maverick in recent times, I wouldn't be surprised if you just shit yourself looking at the title of this post. So yeah, apparently Hasbro decided to do a little more digging in their discontinued blaster bin and pull out probably the most demanded one in recent years, the Longshot. This resurrection of the fan favorite sniper rifle is running under the Zombiestrike line as the Longshot CS-12 hence the new 12 round clip included but it's also missing its front gun and strangely it's bipod. This won't be problem for people adding pump action grips but it's just weird having a big gaping hole in the front of the blaster, especially when you know what should be there. My guess is that Hasbro did it to reduce production costs and to put the new Longshot in a battle rifle configuration that won't directly compete with the Centurion(Probably because they think they can still sell that POS). My main concern is that I didn't see any 75-85 foot range claims on the box, which probably means that the internals are unchanged from before, which again is fine, but improved Longshot internals would be great. So yeah, I'm probably going to find myself buying out Target's stock when these hit and sell most of them on eBay. The question is, is there more coming? Will we see a Stampede or a Titan perhaps in the future? Keep the speculation coming people, this is going to be a good year.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Super Soaker CPS 2000 MK2 Review

When a fire hose passes as a safe toy for children.
You're in the middle of a water war, the sun is beating down and you're owning. You have already soaked out several players and your Shot Blast is still fairly full of water. All of a sudden, you become confronted by another player. You would have fired at him, but you catch sight of his gun and freeze. You start to tremble and a grin comes across the other player's face as he pulls the trigger. A wall of water slams into you and drowns out your screams for assistance, but there's nothing you can do. You come to your senses, eliminated, and a little dazed. This is the feeling you get when you are pummeled by the most powerful water gun in existence, ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the Super Soaker CPS 2000.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Larami SuperMAXX 1000 Review (8/10)

This isn't your grandpa's revolver... well actually it might be.
Feast your eyes on this magnificence! This weapon of plastic and foam! There are many like it but this one is mine! Well actually, I lied, there aren't that many, especially nowadays. The majority of SuperMAXX 1000s are probably crammed 50 feet below the ground in a landfill or in granny's attic basking in the spiderwebs. This one however was a lucky find for me on eBay and I snatched this relic up to add to my SuperMAXX collection, and wow, does this blaster from 1994 deliver.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Most Inaccurately Depicted Weapons In Gaming

Your army does not use most of these the way you think they do.
Over the past few generations of gaming, firearms have dominated platforms. I mean really, whats not to like about virtually filling a virtual person up with virtual lead from your virtual weapon right? Well, in my effort to cater to the more historically accurate side of gaming, I did a little(hence "a little". I'm no bloody firearms expert) research on some of my favorite weapons only to find out how inaccurately depicted most of them were. Here's some the offenders.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Nerf Crossbow Review (5/10)

That odd feeling you get when you know you've made it.
This has got to be my biggest moment since I first got my SuperMAXX 5000 back in January and its really hard to believe I got what some consider to be the holy grail of Nerf blasters. Bask yourself in it's aura, take in every sight of it's dark purple facade. What you are seeing ladies and gentleman is the legendary Crossbow, and by modern standards it actually kind of blows.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nerf FastBlast Review (3)

Speed kills.
Wow, it's been while since I last reviewed something. I bought a huge lot of ammo recently and I got three blasters in the deal and this was one of them. The FastBlast was gun I've seen very little of and I was curious about it. I figured it was just the same ol' pull push revolver blaster I've seen versions of many times in the past; boy was I wrong. The FastBlast was what I expected, just different. See more of this blaster after the jump.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Orange Nite Finder?

My only question, why? Seriously, why re-release a blaster so outdated and not to mention already directly succeeded by the Firestrike? I really don't understand Nerf's logic in repainting the Nite Finder again and tossing it back onto the shelves, plus the paint scheme just looks plain gross. Like dollar store toy aisle gross. Well, whatever, it's out there and apparently a white Maverick is too. Still scratching my head as to why this is even a thing but lets hope it's dirt cheap... probably won't be.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nerf crossbow Inbound

Daryl Dixon. All day, every day.
Oh. My. God. What the hell have I done. No really, I'm sitting here in disbelief wondering why the hell did I just shelled out $101 damn dollars for one of the most coveted blasters on the planet. So yeah I bought a Crossbow, what about it? Well for one thing this one actually works and doesn't have a snapped plunger rod like a whole bunch of X-Bows have nowadays, and it comes with my favorite accessory, the bow arms, totally intact the way I like 'em. I only plan on doing a plunger rod reinforcement so this wont break in the future and I might not even keep it. It's honestly a too big of investment just to keep... that is, if I don't fall in love with it and refuse to give it away. Either way I'm still going to have to pay off the massive dent it made in my wallet but glad I got one now. Expect a review later on.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spy Gear Signal Launcher Inbound!

So I've been having trouble finding a Big Blast and I basically put the idea to rest at the moment. While I was digging around Nerf Mods & Reviews's older posts, I found the one about the old Spy Gear Signal Launcher and decided to give it read. Turns out, the Signal Launcher is basically a Big Blast stuffed into a much more compact shell. So seeing how this was essentially what I was looking for I hopped onto eBay and looked for one out of curiosity. I found these two with one battered up missile for $17 bucks free shipping and bought them on sight. I'll be reviewing the pair and modding one and I'm expecting to get ranges similar if not the same as a Big Blast since they are the same tank. But seriously now, this will just be another addition to blasters that I own that will get me banned from wars. Next target, Roto Rocket, and I'm a little scared about what to expect out of that monster.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Blaster Database is up

I decided to make a sort of library of all dart blasters produced, ever. This should help people who want good information on some blasters quite a bit. It's still a work in progress so expect constant updates until it's complete. Link is at the top. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nerf Secret Shot II Review (4.5)

Remember when I promised I was out of ammo Sully? I lied.
I decided to redo this whole review since I got my new camera and I figured I may as well do it in high quality. So here we have two Secret Shot IIs, one of Nerf's few air powered pistols and the awesome successor to a classic, the original Secret Shot. Lets see how this old school hand cannon holds up to modern day standards.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nerf Mad Hornet Review (4)

Come get stung.
It's been a while since I last reviewed a blaster and this one is one of the coolest yet. This is the 1997 Nerf Mad Hornet, a blaster that I've overlooked for quite some time now. Let's take a closer look and hope this thing doesn't try to sting me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Heavily Modified SuperMAXX 5000

Its...its...too EPIC.
Well guys, I've done and broke my back to get this one finished and to say the least, holy cow, I was not expecting this. I spent the first three days of my Spring Break painting this behemoth and I honestly can't believe how good it turned out. To put it this way, I always wanted a SuperTech 9000, so I built it myself. I put on a Raider stock that's still fully adjustable and a Longshot scope for looks. I also got around to covering up the exposed brass barrel with a cosmetic one made of PVC and I also did some shell work to make the brass breach action much smoother. Last thing I did was paint this thing pretty much in it's stock colors and the scheme just looks absolutely awesome. This is the coolest blaster I've built to date and I'd say its up there with some of the nicest SM5ks out there. See more of it after the jump.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Capture Card and Camera!

Welcome to the big leagues.
Oh dear, we got more stuff coming in. If you read my last post, I finally got a tripod, I just didn't have a camera worthy of it. So luckily one one of my hunting trips on eBay, I snagged this practically new Sony CyberShot DSC-H200 camera for $130 bucks. It's a 20.1 megapixel camera which is DOUBLE what my old Kodak V1073 had. I also got an Elgato Game Capture HD for $120 which is this high end capture card that I will be using for gaming videos. Unfortunately I' won't be utilizing all this gear right away until I get all this stuff I have sitting around posted eventually. Spring Break is next week so hopefully the wait won't be long.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

More Nerf SuperMAXX 5000 Mods

Partially assembled next to the Hyperion.
I recently decided to go all out on my SM5k. The blaster already performs where I want it to so I decided to add a couple more mods that would improve it's functionality and looks. I'm trying to base this off off the SuperTech 9000 so I decided to put a Raider stock on it using the same design athanie went with on his 5k and I tossed a Longshot scope on top. Afterwards, I put a cosmetic barrel over the exposed brass and even though it isn't glued together or painted yet, it still looks mean as hell and I can't imagine how the final product will turn out.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Nerf N-Strike Elite Suction Darts and News Update

I found these new Suction Darts at Toys R Us yesterday for $10. The Suction Dart has kind of been phased out by the Elite Dart but Nerf pretty much began and evolved with Suction Darts so better reinvent a major part of Nerf history than scrap them. These darts work universally like Elite Darts so yeah, they work in ANYTHING, even in clip systems with remarkable performance(I originally figured the suction heads would jam up in the various moving parts in a CS Breach) The suction heads generate increased drag so they fly with slightly better accuracy than Elite Darts but not quite as far. Either way I really enjoy these darts but I don't think they will make a huge impact on what ammo we use.

In other news, I'm working on acquiring some new gear for filming. As some of you may have heard me previously mention that I'm working on getting a web series started and my rather ancient Kodak(although good for photos)isn't going to make the cut for filming. So I recently bought a tripod which on it's own, opens up a million new possibilities like I can finally do mod guides now that I have two free hands and start doing outdoor range testing. The other half, is I'm trying to source a new camera, one of those rather large ones with the huge lens that wannabe photographers buy and take pictures that the world will never see, except I'll be capturing video, not overdone landscapes.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

WIP: Singled Nerf Longstrike

The resurrection begins.
As some of you may remember, I had major issues with my OMW upgraded Longstrike and after a repair, it broke again, this time beyond repair. So I pulled the blaster out of my closet today and after a long, hard look at it, I began measuring and cutting parts until I had this menagerie of CPVC and former kit that is going to end up being a singled Longstrike. This bastard contains an OMW polycarbonate plunger tube and metal parts that came from that god awful Massacre kit. I was contemplating brassing what I had left of the blaster in the first place but it was just too far gone and my stock breach was destroyed in my Air Powered Clip System experiment so this was my only option to save this blaster. I just hope it actually works.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Larami SuperMAXX 1000 Inbound

This isn't your grandpa's revolver.
Oh dear, this stuff just keeps coming in. To put it this way I bagged a SuperMAXX 1000 which on it's own is a pretty significant step I took. This particular one comes with all it's original Larami Darts which are probably rarer than the blaster itself and all this costed me $54 bucks which is a pretty sweet deal for something this rare and potentially valuable. The SM1000 is apparently one of the most powerful stock blasters EVER and I can't wait to see what this 20 year old relic can shell out. I won't have reviews up for a while because I'm going to be pretty busy, so be patient. This is going to be rather interesting.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Larami SuperMAXX 500 Review (8/10)

The power of air compels you!
I'm really glad I got this very rare blaster in my collection now. Despite I was completely unprepared to own this blaster and it had initial problems, I worked around it and found myself one of the most powerful pistols ever, and probably one of my new favorite blasters of all time. Enter the SuperMAXX 500.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nerf Zombiestrike Ripshot Review (7/10)

Rip them a new one.
I have seriously seen nothing on the Ripshot until I came across it at Toys R Us today. I felt a little worried since the last two Vortex pistols I reviewed had some annoying problems and this one had potential to be another runner up. Take a look inside after the jump.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Nerf Blastfire DX-500 Review (5)

When you want the person in front of you to vanish.
If you guys don't yet know already, I SWEAR by air blasters and why Nerf hasn't revisited the concept for nearly the past decade is beyond me because, they're excellent. So what did I do in the midst of Nerf cranking out flywheel after flywheel and plunger after plunger? I bought a timeless classic, the Blastfire DX-500, Nerf's most famous semi auto system.